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Makehub website designer team & service

Web Development

Makehub website designer team & service

The Web designer is a person who designs the website’s layout. He is responsible for bringing the web pages to life based on the goals set by the web strategists and the project manager. So, web design is a team task and here we’ll discuss the team members and their roles in it:

1.Marketing Strategist

The marketing strategist will set expectations, make sure the team and budget are on track, and work with the rest of the roles involved to set realistic deadlines for the web design project.

2. UX Designer

The UX designer is like an architect and will help formulate the website strategy by conducting initial research on a client’s current website and analyzing it to help craft buyer personas, set goals and create a blueprint for the new website. Every step following the strategy is in place because of him.

3. Content Specialist

This person has experience in writing web content, educational marketing copy and persuasive conversion offers, should have an eye for detail and be able to use their writing to persuade your audience.

4. Website Developer

Strategy, content and design are all key, but without a team of developers to tie all those pieces together, your website will never be built. 

5. Editor

A professional editor  will ensure that everything on your website is working, complies with brand guidelines and is error-free.

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Makehub Web Development

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